The Chamelion - Reisverslag uit Barcelona, Spanje van Albert Baarsma - The Chamelion - Reisverslag uit Barcelona, Spanje van Albert Baarsma -

The Chamelion

Door: Alberto

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Albert

13 Juli 2009 | Spanje, Barcelona

Hello everyone,

So mutch happend that I'm only put down fraises from witch I can rembember whole stories. I can explain later for anyone who isinterested to know more about somethings, just react on the bottem of this page.

Stayed 3 days in Bezier, after try Hitch hike to Barcelona, french man no speak english took us wrong way; we needed to cross a pritty big highway, and we did. After met Frensch guy who is going to bring down oil compangions,his way of thinking was; "they fuck me, I fuck them". (also stole most expencive chees in gas station)

. Ended up at a beach far from hw; Beatiful. Wild/camped in the buches there. Swimming, shower in the morning. Next day hitch hiking again, last guy gave us 15 euros to take a train, and we did but in wrong direction again :P but we diddn't get checked so mutch so it was okey.

Now running around Barcelona, not paying for the metro(jumping over all the vences) Rob had a really bad sunburn (with blisters) and needed to go home so I'm alone.

I could stay with the friends of Marco; 3 brazilian guys in an appartment. Marco is buzy but I party with them, and its really cool.

I must say that i'm having a Great time here in Barcelona. Even if I lived here be4, I now see the city from a mutch better side, and I think my eyes are now open enough to see the real heart of Catalan. It was amazing, After a party, that had a huge pool, cool bars and a good music(DJ), I ended up losing my 3 brazilian friends at 6 in the morning. And then In the center of the city I met a Shamane de Catalan.

next 5 hours walking around the city he diddn't stop talking. He was so proud of his contry that people here actually liked this guy. Catalan people are really cool (I think because they don't watch television). The goverment of catalan is actually doing a very good job keeping jong people off the streets and putting them to work. I saw a lot of people my age work with children of.. 5 to 12. Very orgenised, I was amazed, it was really j'e boa!

So now i'm at home, we plan to go out to " the best party this month"

Ciao, gtg

  • 14 Juli 2009 - 07:12


    ej Albert, vergeet je niet naar Tamera te komen ;)
    Nog veel plezier met feesten!

  • 23 Juli 2009 - 14:15


    Hé Albert, dank voor je verhalen. Ik ben nu al weer 2 nachtjes terug uit Groenland, in huize Spirit. Vera komt morgen ook hierheen.

    Leuk om je verhalen te lezen. Waar zit je nu ergens? Ik w8 nog steeds op die kaart van Kruidvat.

    Big hug Antoine

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