Lazy Bones... - Reisverslag uit León, Nicaragua van Albert Baarsma - Lazy Bones... - Reisverslag uit León, Nicaragua van Albert Baarsma -

Lazy Bones...

Door: Albert

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Albert

08 Februari 2008 | Nicaragua, León

Hey everyone,

After a while of traveling too mutch I ended up at a lazy hostel here, so now finally i get to catch up with all my friends, see how everybody is doing back at home, and all that kind of stuff...

Only little adventure I made was going to a beach near here called Las Peñitas: a place with a big fat beach and huge waves.. good food.. and hammiks. I kinda body boarded a bit and found out that those waves are too big and powerfull for me to handel :P so i diddn't even try to surf (i'm still a beginner and i diddn't want to break a board..) So instead i swam, chilled, and went back to Leon.

I picked a hostel called Lazy bones, where now, 4 days later i'm still here, again behind the free internet, mailing, chatting... seeing how everybody is going.

And trough a few conversations I had I kinda want to study after all... I met a guy, like 40 years old that for the last 20 years had run his own buisnisses in central amerika, and I asked him loads of questions... Its seems to be a lot more difficult then i thought... and studying just seems safer.. easier... and its only 4/5 years (if i do it right).

So yea, hope not to suprise too many people, but i'm thinking about coming back within the next 2 months, I kinda have to get back because my mom is selling the house/moving to an other country and i have to move the rest of my stuff... and start living with my broher in amsterdam... hopefully it goes the way i planned.. :P should be alright.

en wat betreft mijn kleine agressie aanval in het vorige bericht... van fouten leer je tog.. Jep, ik heb geleerd dat ik een beetje egoistisch en self-centered ben geweest en ik zal wat meer mijn best doen om contact te houden met mijn vrienden/famillie...

I'm going to Improve my live(style) from now... once again.. (thats what this travel has been about anyways :P)

The best of luck in all of yours lives. And send me an e-mail if you think I need to talk to you some more>, and i'll respond...


  • 11 Februari 2008 - 00:57


    Ben van plan morgen naar panama te gaan, en dan naar colombia, venesuela, en terug naar huis.. zie nog wel hoe lang ik er over doe :)

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Verslag uit: Nicaragua, León


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